Senior Spotlight

The Vernon ROCKS Coalition would like to appreciate our Seniors; Amani, Angie, Emily, Georgette, and Tiffany on their graduation from Rockville High School!! They have been instrumental in the coalition and as members of Real Talk by continuously dedicating their time to our efforts.
Through their own grit and hard work, they have all been active in many clubs, sports, jobs, and events while keeping up with their rigorous schoolwork. They have been leaders among their peers and are examples of amazing youth who have excelled while being substance-free.
They have all decided to continue their schooling by earning bachelor’s degrees.  Graduating high school and going on to college is an exciting time in a youth’s life. While this year may not have been what they envisioned their senior year as, it is only one step in their lives. We hope they will grow and develop, continue to learn and expand their minds, create countless memories and laughs and go on to be happy and successful. We are so proud of them for all the hard work they have done to bring them to this moment in their life, and we cannot wait to see where they will go with their lives!

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